Barcelona has a lot of activities to offer during the whole year. If you plan to visit on the first month of the year, here are some things that you might not want to miss:
In February we celebrate Carnival in Barcelona. This year, it starts on February 8th, the so-called "Dijous Gras" with the "Arribo" (arrival), when the Carnival King presents himself to the crowd and, with the help of his 7 ambassadors, spreads his carnival spirit to the population. This act is followed by the parade of the Carnival King, the most important event of this festivities. From February 8th to 14th, Barcelona will be full of cavalcades, parades, parties and fun.
On February 11th, on Sant Jaume square, you will find the most typical Catalan tradition: castellers. Castells are human towers between six and ten people high, it is originally from Catalonia and was declared Intangible Heritage of Humanity by the UNESCO. If you are in Bacelona on February 11th, it is worth a visit to immerse yourself in the local culture.