

243 Carrer de Provença 08008 Barcelona Spain
Several women's hands adorned with rings in Vasquiat near Almanac Barcelona

Vasquiat is the go-to fashion boutique in Barcelona and an entire ecosystem made up of the most talented designers in the world who complement one another in a completely unique space.

Several women's hands adorned with rings in Vasquiat near Almanac Barcelona


The business began online as a marketplace specialised in avant-garde designers from around the world.
After five years selling worldwide, Vasquiat opened its first boutique in Barcelona, captivating locals and tourists alike with a vibrant selection of products.

Iconic designers on the international seen such as Stine Goya, Rabens Saloner, Lovechild, Destree, Mietis, Valentine Witmeur Lab, along with local designers like Carlota Cahis, Simuero and Pardo Hats, all renowned for using specialised artisanal craft techniques, have grow under Vasquiat's umbrella. At a time when many cities have homogenous stores, a space like this provides the opportunity to enjoy a local and specialised shopping experience like no other.

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