Let’s make sustainable choices in everything we do, in our hotel and well beyond
We're proud to find every way we can to consider our community and our planet. We are LBGTQ+ friendly. We are responsible with our planet and the resources it is providing.

Let’s make sustainable choices in everything we do, in our hotel and well beyond
We're proud to find every way we can to consider our community and our planet. We are LBGTQ+ friendly. We are responsible with our planet and the resources it is providing.

Based on the UNSDG (United Nations Sustainability Development Goals) we developed a framework of hotel corporate social responsibility initiatives that we are focusing on. We are LBGTQ+ friendly and are pleased to welcome everybody to our hotels. We are responsible with our planet and the resources it is providing. We are collaborating with local initiatives to contribute to our community. We are contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions. We are mindful of the resources we are using and deliberate with the remnants we are giving back to our ecosystem. Personal development is important to us, for our employees, and our guests.
of all rubbish is recycled
usage of recyclable materials
less of plastic usage
water savings in 2019
Regional Originality
It’s an honour to work with many regional partners, sourcing best accessible local ingredients and products for our restaurants, bars, spas and more. Indulge yourself in their quality and character.

We are excited to collaborate with promising, young creators from neighbouring communities, providing them with a platform to showcase inspiring projects, vision and stories. Discover the local talent with us.